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Electrão School

Recycle with the “Electrão School”!

“Electrão School” is an Electrão project, launched for the first time in the academic year 2008/2009. The goal is to create awareness and engage teachers, students, staff, parents and the community in general in the recycling effort, with the collection of electrical equipment and used batteries.

We want to continue the effort and the involvement of schools with the 8th edition.

Thus, this academic year the challenge is to reinforce and give a permanent character to the connection with the Schools, making them collection points of the Electrão Network!

How to belong to the Electrão Network?

What are the advantages of our school
belong to the Electrão Network?

  • All the used equipment and batteries that you collect count! A bonus will be granted for each tonne of waste (€/tonne)!
  • At the end of each period we will have prizes for the School that collects more waste!
  • To schedule a collection, please access the Electrão Operating Platform (POpE)



Visit to a TVU

The school that collects the largest amount of electrical equipment and used batteries and accumulators

Accumulated quantity since the beginning of the academic year, including collections made up to 31 December 2018.

(Visit to a waste treatment and valorization unit by a class of up to 30 students from the winning school)

Batteries 1.000 €

The school that collects the largest amount of used batteries and accumulators.

Accumulated amount since the beginning of the academic year, including collection requests until 15 April 2019.

(Prizes are not cumulative.)

Lamps 1.000 €

The school that collects the largest amount of used lamps.

Accumulated amount since the beginning of the academic year, including collection requests until 15 April 2019.

(Prizes are not cumulative.)

Absolute 1.800 €

For each of the 3 Schools that collects the largest amount of electrical equipment and used batteries and accumulators.

Accumulated amount since the beginning of the academic year, including collection requests until 31 May 2019.

(Prizes are not cumulative.)

Use this image to promote your School in Social Networks

For more information on how to get involved, check out the campaign areas

or contact us via email:




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