
We provide an excellent environmental management service, which allows you to respond to the legal and environmental challenges applicable to your activity, in this context.


Electrão is the greater relevance waste management entity to operate in Portugal in the area of ​​extended producer responsibility.

Know your obligations

Electrão is the only entity in Portugal that can assist you with the management of three specific waste streams: waste from electric and electronic equipment (WEEE), bateries and accumulators waste (BAW) and packaging waste (PW). In Electrão Network we provide an environmental management service of excellence, allowing you to answer the legal and environmental challenges applicable to your activity, in this context.

Integrated Waste Management Systems

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The Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) principle, assigns the responsibility of recycling non-recyclable products and packaging to the producers and manufacturers that place them in the market .

The responsibility for the management of end-of-life products may be transferred to Electrão through the Integrated Waste Electric and Electronic Equipment Management Systems, Batteries and Accumulators  and Packaging, which takes effect after the payment of a financial instalment – ecofee – proportional to the products’ quantity in weight, placed in the national market.

The Producer’s Extended Responsibility principle applies to Companies placing products or packaging on the market for the first time on the domestic market.

In the scope of the activity of Electron, the principle of Producer’s Extended Responsibility is considered for 3 types of products:

Companies to which the Producer’s Extended Responsibility Principle applies shall ensure compliance with the following requirements:

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Join to an integrated
waste management

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Apply in Portuguese Environment Agency.

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Declare quantities of products which it places on the market.


In Portugal we assume the responsability of managing 3 different waste streams for 1 750 members.

We were constituted as an Association in 2005

Transfer your end-of-life products’ management responsibility


Electrão framework for Waste of Electric and Electronic Equipment, Batteries and Accumulators, and Packaging Management System.



In which responsibility scheme do I qualify?

Waste Electric and Electronic Equipment (SIGREEE)
Subscribe online through the Members Portal or contact to join Electrão’s SIGREEE

Contract model for the transfer of responsibility regarding electric and electronic equipment management – SIGREE subscription.

Integrated Waste Batteries and Accumulators Management Systems (SIGRPA)
Subscribe online through the Members Portal or contact to join Electrão’s SIGRPA.   

Contract model for the transfer of responsibility regarding batteries and accumulators management – SIGRPA subscription.

Integrated Waste Packaging Management System (SIGRE)
Subscribe online through the Members Portal or contact to join Electrão’s SIGRE.

Contract model or the transfer of responsibility regarding packaging management –  SIGRE subscription.

See subscription conditions to Small Members Scheme of Electrão SIGREEE.

See subscription conditions to Small Members Scheme of Electrão SIGRPA.

See subscription conditions to Small Members Scheme of Electrão SIGRE.

To subscribe to Electrão’s SIGREEE/ SIGRPA/ SIGRE or for additional clarification, please contact our Members Liaison team at



2 Steps subscription:

Complete your company’s information to transfer of responsibility framework (electric and elecronic equipment, batteries and accumulators, and packaging), finish the registration and have the contract(s) delivered to your email.

  • 2nd Assign your contract
    with just one click

After receiving the contract on your email consult the Electrão Model contract for electrical and electronic equipment, batteries and accumulators, and packaging.

01Access with your login data to Electrão’s MEMBERS Portal (login data sent by email)..

02Finish completing your company’s account information.

03Complete  regular declarations for the streams you contracted.

04Pay for the services


Access the Transfer of Responsibility’s declaration.

Other services

Integrated environmental management services – efficiency and optimization in your activity.

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